“44 Bars For the World – Voodoo Slinky Remix”

eMERGENCY heARTS | released June 24, 2022

New release – songs appropriate for the times.

F*ck a nazi, f*ck a fascist, f*ck the fucking klan
F*ck a colonizer taking indigenous land
F*ck me, f*ck them, f*ck white supremacy
F*ck patriarchy and toxic masculinity
F*ck transphobia and f*ck homophobes

eMERGENCY heARTS (Austin, TX) is an anarchist-run indie collaborative music media project feat. postpunk, electronic, darkwave, industrial, EBM, noise, ambient, trance, techno-hiphop, minimalism, techno, no-wave, goth, experimental, punk and whatever else floats our fancy from the past until to today. 

Donations from sales to support abortion access.

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  • scott crow

    scott crow lives in Austin, Texas and is an anarchist speaker, author and organizer who has spent his varied life as a musician, coop business co-owner and political organizer, focusing on issues of prisons, cooperatives, animal liberation, environmental issues, autonomy and anarchism.  Since 1986 he has worked in media communications in various capacities including appearing as subject and commentator in international media. He authored the books Black Flags and Windmills and Emergency Hearts, Molotov Futures:  A scott crow Reader and is a contributing writer to the books Grabbing Back: Essays Against the Global Land Grab, The Black Bloc Papers, Witness to Betrayal and What Lies Beneath: Katrina, Race and the State of the Nation.

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