Darren Fleet with Stefanie Krasnow: Deep Anger: We need to rediscover something we lost along the way.

Deep Anger We need to rediscover something we lost along the way.
Darren Fleet with Stefanie Krasnow, Adbusters, June 6, 2014

In a better world, there’d be no reason to write this. In that world, plastic bags would be outlawed, rednecks would voluntarily stop driving those obnoxious Ford F-350s and the yogis in yuppie neighborhoods would stop believing that a hybrid SUV could save the planet. But that’s not the world we live in.

In this world, when push comes to shove, most of us are too comfortable to care, too polite to speak out. With so much at stake we need to rediscover something we lost along the way: our anger.

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