Kelly Weill: Anarchists to Disney: Cruella de Vil Can’t Sit With Us

Prominent on the poster for the new “101 Dalmatians” prequel: an “A” in a circle. It is not going over well.

The Daily Beast, February 18, 2021

Cruella de Vil is stylish, a new Disney film’s ad campaign suggests. She’s rich. She skins dogs for clothing. She’s an anarchist.

Hang on, actual anarchists say. WTF?

Disney’s forthcoming film Cruella is a live-action prequel to 101 Dalmatians, an animated classic about a deranged villain who kidnaps puppies so she can wear their skins. Starring actress Emma Stone, the movie attempts to explain what, exactly, Cruella de Vil’s problem is.

Prominent on the poster is a common anarchy symbol: an “A” in a circle.

That’s unwelcome news to anarchists, who say their movement is vocally in favor of animal liberation. While no one wants to be associated with puppy-hunters, the association is an extra slap in the face to people who say they actually go considerably out of their way to advance animal rights.

Ryan Only, a longtime vegan and member of the anarchist public relations group Agency, told The Daily Beast veganism is common in the political movement.

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