By Ben Mathis-Lilley, June 25, 2021
On Thursday, Winston Marshall, a guitar and banjo player from the musical group Mumford & Sons, the leading progenitor of the curiously massive mustache-and-suspenders-arena-rock trend, posted a long essay about why he’s quitting the band. Sure, but why are you, a top political news blogger, writing about this in the political news section of this excellent website? is what you’re asking. Here’s why, from the sixth paragraph of Marshall’s piece:
At the beginning of March I tweeted to American journalist Andy Ngo, author of the New York Times Bestseller, Unmasked. “Congratulations @MrAndyNgo. Finally had the time to read your important book. You’re a brave man”.
For the unfamiliar, Andy Ngo is a social media–era political provocateur; he purports to be an independent journalist objectively documenting extremist violence perpetrated by left-wing “antifa” activists but has been credibly accused of having a working partnership with also-quite-violent far-right white nationalist gangs, like the Proud Boys, with whom antifa groups often come into conflict.