Our Mission
Agency promotes contemporary anarchist perspectives and practices through commentary, media relations, and educational campaigns. Our mission is to:
Engage the public and the mainstream media about anarchist ideas, practice, and action.
Ground our work on two basic ideas: first, that anarchism is the most liberating political theory and practice and the least harmful way of approaching the world, and second, that all of society would benefit from a greater public understanding of what anarchists believe and how anarchy works.
Facilitate the media and public in finding and accessing a multitude of anarchist perspectives, through both pro-active and re-active efforts as well as through acts of cultural intervention. We do this by combining our shared knowledge and experience in public relations and communications work with the writing, speaking, organizing, and awareness-raising skills of contributing writers and activists. By creating original, accessible materials written for a broad audience including anarchists and non-anarchists alike, and promoting anarchist perspectives on a wide range of current events, we amplify the reach of existing anarchist voices and projects.
Distribute a diversity of anarchist positions that adhere to an anti-state, anti-capitalist, and anti-oppression framework. We acknowledge that there are many different anarchist perspectives and visions, and this project’s aim is to make the public aware of a range of anarchist beliefs, in a spirit of solidarity and non-sectarianism.
Who We Are
Agency was created by a group of anarchists with experience in communications and public relations work for anarchist projects, activist movements, non-profits, and for our waged jobs. It is organized by a cross section of US-based anarchists. Our day to day work-load is managed by a coordinator.
If you are interested in working with Agency, please contact us here.
Lilias Adie is the Project Coordinator for Agency. She works professionally in the field of communications and has been involved in direct action organizing, as well as communications and outreach work, for a variety of environmental and wildlife conservation nonprofits. Additionally, she has supported a range of grassroots projects, including ancient forest defense campaigns, political prisoner support projects, radical community centers, and DIY publications.
Rebeca C is a filmmaker and media activist based in San Antonio, TX. She has worked in video for the past decade as a director, editor, and journalist covering a range of issues from No Borders / No Nations movements and Border Patrol abuses to indigenous struggles and LGBTQ+ rights. Her work has been featured on Democracy Now, Truthout, and Teen Vogue.
scott crow lives in Austin, Texas and is an anarchist speaker, author and organizer who has spent his varied life as a musician, coop business co-owner and political organizer, focusing on issues of prisons, cooperatives, animal liberation, environmental issues, autonomy and anarchism. Since 1986 he has worked in media and communications in various capacities including appearing as subject and commentator in international media.
Kris Hermes is a Canadian-based activist, author, and media worker who for the past 20 years has engaged with movements to resist grand juries and political repression, provide mass demonstration legal support, and help to defend high-profile criminal cases.
Eric Laursen lives in Massachusetts is an anarchist organizer, writer, and scholar. He has been active in the movements against war and imperialism and for global economic justice and as an organizer of the New York City Anarchist Book Fair. He is the author of the upcoming book “The Operating System: an Anarchist Theory of the Modern State” (AK Press).
Hillary Lazar lives in Pittsburgh, PA. She has identified as an anarchist for more than 20 years and been involved in numerous anti-authoritarian, radical education, and social justice projects over the decades. Currently, she is involved in efforts to organize grad students at the university where she is in a PhD program in Sociology.
Ryan Only is from Washington, D.C. and has worked professionally in media and communications since 2002 and with many anarchist, radical, and cooperative projects since the 1990’s.
Tannie Low is a designer and organizer based in San Antonio, TX, and has been contributing to radical media projects for over a decade.
Authors List
Abby Martin is a visual artist and anti-imperialist journalist. She is the host of Media Roots Radio, creator of The Empire Files, and director of the documentary Gaza Fights For Freedom
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Agency promotes contemporary anarchist perspectives and practices through commentary on current events, media relations, and educational campaigns.
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Barry Pateman has worked with ABC, edited numerous papers and journals, and has taken part in support groups for labour strikes, tenants groups activities and rent strikes. He is a member of Kate Sharpley Library collective.
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Carwil Bjork-James is the author of “The Sovereign Street: Making Revolution in Urban Bolivia”, and an Anthropology professor at Vanderbilt University. He conducts immersive and historical research on disruptive protest, environmental struggles, state violence, and indigenous collective rights. Over the years he has participated in Project Underground, the Independent Media Center, Direct Action to Stop the War, and Free University of New York City.
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Chuck Munson is the coordinator and editor for Infoshop News, an online news service which celebrates its 20th anniversary in January 2015. He has also written for Alternative Press Review, Practical Anarchy, and other magazines. He was also a webmaster for the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and Science magazine.
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Dan Arel is a Southern California based activist, award-winning columnist, and author. His work has appeared in such publications as Truthout, The New Arab, Time, Huffington Post, AlterNet, and Salon. He has authored such books as Parenting without God, and The Secular Activist. Since 2017 he has worked in communications in the labor movement, fighting for higher wages, benefits, and the social justice of some of the country’s most vulnerable citizens.
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Dana Ward is a professor emeritus of Political Studies at Pitzer College, where he founded and maintains Anarchy Archives.
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Daniel McGowan is a former political prisoner and former member of the Earth Liberation Front (ELF). He lives in New York.
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Elaine Leeder is a retired dean and professor at Sonoma State University; she is the author of six books, two of which are being used at universities around the country. Her first book "The Gentle General: Rose Pesotta, Anarchist and Labor Organizer", was published by SUNY PRESS. She was the author of a number of articles on Anarchist-Feminism in the 1980s. Currently she works in prisons doing restorative justice facilitating dialogues between victims and those who committed the crimes in California prisons. She is the recipient of the Real Hero Award from the American Red Cross for her work in prisons, is listed in Who’s Who of American Teachers, and Who’s Who in America, and was a visiting scholar at the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.
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Eric Laursen lives in Massachusetts. He is an anarchist organizer, writer, and scholar. Eric has been active in movements against war and imperialism and for global economic justice for many years and is an organizer of the annual New York City Anarchist Book Fair. He is the author of the new book "The Operating System: an Anarchist Theory of the Modern State" (AK Press).
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Hillary Lazar lives in Pittsburgh, PA. She has been involved with anarchist, radical education, and social justice projects since the 90s. She is a doctoral student and instructor of Sociology and is currently focused on efforts to organize graduate students. She is a cofounder of the University of Pittsburgh’s Student Anarchist Graduate Association, a collective member of the Big Idea Bookstore, and is on Agency's Advisor Council. Prior to this, in recent years, Hillary was part of The Lamont Street Collective, The DC Learning Collective, and the Occupy DC People’s Library. Her academic research looks at anarchism, love, and affective ties in contemporary social movements.
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Joe Keady is a translator, writer, researcher, subtitler, and founding worker-owner of the Just Words Translation & Interpreting Cooperative. He is also an editor-at-large of Barricade: A Journal of Antifascism and Translation.
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Kevin Tucker lives in the Ozarks of Missouri and is an anarcho-primitivist writer, rewilding advocate, and publisher. He founded Black and Green Press in 2000, was the editor of Species Traitor journal, hosts the Black and Green Podcast, and is the founding editor of Black and Green Review. His books include Gathered Remains and For Wildness and Anarchy.
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Klee Benally is a Diné musician, traditional dancer, artist, filmmaker, & Indigenous anarchist. Klee is originally from Black Mesa and has worked nearly all of his life at the front lines in struggles to protect Indigenous sacred lands. Klee provides strategic planning and direct action training with Indigenous Action. Klee has helped establish a range of organizations including Táala Hooghan Infoshop, Protect the Peaks, and is currently organizing COVID-19 response with Kinłani Mutual Aid and IndigenousMutualAid.org.
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Marisa Holmes is an organizer, filmmaker, writer, and educator based in Brooklyn, NY. She is the director of two non-fiction feature films, "All Day All Week: An Occupy Wall Street Story", which captures the occupation at Zuccotti Park, and "After the Revolution", a non-linear narrative of the post-2011 context in North Africa. In addition, she has authored numerous short films and articles. Her work has appeared in Truthout, Paris-Luttes, Nawaat, PBS, and Al Jazeera, and We Are Many: Reflections on Movement Strategy from Occupation to Liberation. Currently, she teaches courses on social movements and media at Rutgers University and Fordham University.
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Matthew Whitley is a writer, poet, researcher and anarchist organizer with the Metropolitan Anarchist Coordinating Council - MACC NYC. He is currently a PhD student in Cultural Anthropology at the CUNY Graduate Center. His research is focused on alternative economies in the Kurdish Freedom Movement. He also serves on the steering committee of the Emergency Committee for Rojava and co-edits the radical artists' imprint Cicada Press. His work has appeared in various publications and exhibitions including N+1, Syrian Democratic Times, The Brooklyn Rail, Translit (St. Petersburg), and in "Vertical Reach: Political Violence & Militant Aesthetics," organized under Yale's "Utopia after Utopia" research initiative. His poetry chapbook, "Do You Like the Word Crisis?", was published by Commune Editions in 2019.
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Natasha Lennard is a columnist for The Intercept and her work has appeared regularly in The Nation, Esquire, The New York Times and The New Inquiry, among others. She teaches critical journalism at the New School For Social Research. She is the author of Violence: Humans in Dark Times (with Brad Evans, City Lights 2018) and Being Numerous: Essays on Non-Fascist Life (Verso Books 2019).
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Panagioti Tsolkas is a former editor of the Earth First! Journal, co-founder of Fight Toxic Prisons (fight-toxic-prisons.org) and a community organizer who has been published and cited in numerous publications and books. He lives on a small farm in Florida with his partner and two children.
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pattrice jones is a cofounder of VINE Sanctuary, an LGBTQ-led refuge for that works for social and environmental justice as well as animal liberation.
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Paul Messersmith-Glavin is a longtime anarchist organizer and a member of the Institute for Anarchist Studies (IAS) and Perspectives on Anarchist Theory journal collective
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Rachael Goss lives in Pittsburgh, PA. She is an instructor at Point Park University and has been teaching for 8 years. She has an M.A. in Sociology, is returning to graduate school for counseling, and hopes to someday work with GLBTQ clients as a therapist. When she’s not reading queer theory, she enjoys practicing meditation and yoga.
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Raye Stoeve is a queer nonbinary feminist writer based in Seattle. They participated in the Occupy movement and now organize for climate justice. They can be found online at rayestoeve.wordpress.com.
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Rebeca Centeno is an activist media maker and journalist. Her video and writing work has been featured on Democracy Now!, NowThis Politics, Truthout, Deep Dish TV, Paper Tiger TV, and act.tv.
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Ryan is a member of the Agency collective and has been an activist and organizer for the better part of the last 25 years.
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Sarahjane Blum lives in New York City and has been active in animal liberation and anti-authoritarian movements and prisoner support work since the 1990s.
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scott crow lives in Austin, Texas and is an anarchist speaker, author and organizer who has spent his varied life as a musician, coop business co-owner and political organizer, focusing on issues of prisons, cooperatives, animal liberation, environmental issues, autonomy and anarchism. Since 1986 he has worked in media communications in various capacities including appearing as subject and commentator in international media. He authored the books Black Flags and Windmills and Emergency Hearts, Molotov Futures: A scott crow Reader and is a contributing writer to the books Grabbing Back: Essays Against the Global Land Grab, The Black Bloc Papers, Witness to Betrayal and What Lies Beneath: Katrina, Race and the State of the Nation.
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Shane Burley is an author and filmmaker based in Portland, Oregon. He is the author of "Fascism Today: What It Is and How to End It" (AK Press, 2017), and "Why We Fight: Essays on Fascism, Resistance and Surviving the Apocalypse" (AK Press, 2021). His work has been featured in places like the NBC News, Independent, the Baffler, In These Times, Truthout, The Daily Beast, Al Jazeera, Jacobin, Alternet, Protean Magazine, and Full stop.
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Tariq Khan lives in Champaign, Illinois with his partner and their three children. He is currently teaching an undergraduate US History course and working toward a PhD in History. He co-organizes a radical reading group, a local anarchist collective, and supports a few other local anti-racist and anti-colonial projects. He is also a member of the Industrial Workers of the World and the Graduate Employees' Organization.
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Agency publishes commentary on current events from an anarchist perspective that is written for a broad audience and written by self-identified anarchists.
Pieces Should Be:
Written to speak to the general public and mainstream media
In a non-self referential fashion – do not assume readers are familiar with anarchist culture or jargon. Avoid undefined terminology or abbreviations.
Written in an outward facing and not inward facing tone. Don’t speak to the choir. Don’t assume there is a choir.
Other Criteria
Style Guide
In general, we follow AP style. View some AP style tips here.
Word Count
Content may range from 500 – 1,500 word commentaries or analyses (give or take). Word count is something our editors will discuss with you in advance of a project.
Use footnotes to include your sources.
Check Out Our Content
See our existing content on www.anarchistagency.com to get a feel for the pieces we have run to date.
Other Tips Before You Turn Something In:
- Have you spellchecked?
- Have you had a friend read it?
- Please edit your drafts before you submit anything to save time and energy.
Once submitted, all pieces will be reviewed by our team and thoroughly edited before anything is published.
Our Process
- You submit first draft
- Our team reviews – we decide who will serve as lead editor
- We will send you notes / edits asking you to approve and do a second round of work
- You submit your next draft
- We review and make final edits and comments
- You sign off on final
- We do final copy-edit, proof and publish.
- We send you a note when the piece is live.
New Contribution Requirements
If you are a new contributor, please send:
- A 1-3 sentence bio, including mention of any media outlets, blogs, orgranizations or other projects you are associated with, and the city/state you live in.
- A brief synopsis of the written content including where and why it fits with the objectives of Agency.
- The content itself in a Microsoft Word file attachment.
- A hi-res photo / head shot of you OR your organization’s logo if you the piece is authored by a collective, such as CrimethInc.
Returning contributors are only required to submit the written content itself.
- We do not pay for contributions that we publish. This is a volunteer project.
- We prefer exclusive content but are willing to consider cross-submitted content in certain situations for our Critical Voices section. If you are sending a cross-posted-submission that has been published elsewhere, please inform us where it was originally published.
We appreciate your interest and look forward to working with you.
In The Media
The following is an archive of media coverage generated by or about Agency. This list is separate from our larger archive of stories and coverage of #AnarchistsintheNews, available here.
March 1, 2023 | “Anarchy4Everyone”: 50 Eye-Opening and Relatable Posts From People Who Are So Over Capitalism | Adelaide Ross and Mindaugas Balčiauskas | Bored Panda
February 23, 2023 | Food, Love, and Revolution: Jen Angel’s Legacy | Carwil Bjork-James | Yes! Magazine
February 18, 2023 | ‘Unsung hero’: the baker and activist whose death inspired calls for restorative justice | Sam Levin | The Guardian
February 10, 2023 | Jen Angel, Beloved Social Justice & Media Activist, Writer and Oakland Baker, Dies at 48 | Video | Democracy Now!
February 18, 2021 | Anarchists to Disney: Cruella de Vil Can’t Sit With Us| Kelly Weill| The Daily Beast
September 29, 2020 | Antifa and America’s revamped Red Scare | Patrick Strickland | Al Jazeera
September 16, 2020 | Anarchist Groups Tied to Riots in 4 US Cities | Masood Farivar |VOA
September 2, 2020 | Anarchist Activists Say Facebook Banned Them to Placate the Right | Ali Breland | Mother Jones
August 27, 2020 | Banned Media: Anarchist and antifascist media groups are being taken down by Facebook | Taylor Perse | Eugene Weekly
August 25, 2020 | Facebook Censorship: Silencing Anarchist and Anti-Fascist Groups | Sydney Criminal Lawyers | Lexology
June 4, 2020 | White House deletes bogus brick video accusing Antifa of planning for riots | Mike Moffitt | SF Gate
June 2, 2020 | Trump’s Threats to Antifa Are an Affront to Black Agency and a Risk to All Protest | Natasha Lennard | The Intercept
June 2, 2020 | Peeved anarchists accuse Trump of ‘scapegoating’ antifa, defend ‘militant unrest’ | Valerie Richardson | The Washington Times
June 1, 2020 | What is Antifa? | Al Jazeera
Aug. 3, 2018 | Radical groups, other activists plan counterprotest for ‘Unite the Right 2’ rally on Aug. 12 in D.C. | Caroline Simon | USA Today
Aug. 14, 2017 | What is Antifa? | Jessica Suerth | CNN
Feb. 2, 2017 | Anarchists Respond to Trump’s Inauguration, by Any Means Necessary | Farah Stockman | NY Times
May 4, 2016 | Celebrating scott crow’s Little “a” Anarchism | Nick Ford | Center for a Stateless Society
Apr. 25, 2016 | Some Unimaginative Anarchists Think the May Day Smashfest Is Going to Be Awesome | Ansel Herz | the Stranger
Jan. 30, 2015 | Drones For Good, Rebranding Anarchism & Immortal Technique Breaks the Set | Abby Martin | Breaking the Set | RT
Jan. 26, 2015 | Episode 70: Interview with Agency and Fireside Chats with Dead Eastern Europeans | Free Radical Radio
December 11th, 2014 | Rethinking Anarchism: An Interview with ‘Agency’ | by Devon Douglas-Bowers | The Hampton Institute
December 4, 2014 | An Anarchist Response to Ebola | By Carwil Bjork-James with Chuck Munson | Featured/Reprinted: Truth Out | CrimethInc. Ex-Worker Podcast #32 |Films for Action