Baltimore City Paper, “Wandering Eye: The badass art of Okwui Enwezor, cops now say they’re afraid to use force, and more,” May 12, 2015

Wandering Eye: The badass art of Okwui Enwezor, cops now say they’re afraid to use force, and more
Baltimore City Paper, May 12, 2015

He is an anarchist, he says, devoted to making the spaces we live in more interesting and less predictable. For a lot of like-minded, well-meaning people, that idea translates directly into a demand for less policing and more tolerance for deviance, as though grinding poverty, rampaging mental illness, drug-blasted leaners, and packs of reckless dirt-bike riders are merely neutral and harmless manifestations of a less uptight, less suburban, and less boring way of life.

