Briarpatch: Gord Hill’s anti-colonial, anti-fascist comics

For over two years, Gord Hill – the author of The 500 Years of Resistance Comic Book, The Anti-Capitalist Resistance Comic Book, and The Antifa Comic Book – has been creating comics featured in print issues of Briarpatch. Gord is a member of the Kwakwaka’wakw Nation on the Pacific Northwest Coast and has been active in Indigenous and anti-capitalist movements for many years. His comics unearth histories of anti-colonial and anti-fascist struggle, and brought a fighting spirit to the pages of our magazine.

To focus on his family, Gord will no longer contribute comics to issues of Briarpatch. So we’ve compiled two years of his comics – previously only found in the print magazine – below. You can click on each comic to enlarge it. 

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