Broadly, “This New Feminist Antifa Group Is Taking on the Far-Right”

When a British far-right group announced its plans to march in London on Saturday, women on the left knew they had to push back. Enter: Feminist Anti-Fascism Assembly (FAF), a new feminist antifascist bloc made up of a coalition of feminist organizations, trade unions, migrant rights groups, and anti-racist organizers.

On an unseasonably warm autumnal afternoon, FAF and other antifascist groups held back the Democratic Foorball Lads Alliance (DFLA) as they attempted to march through the streets of central London. The DFLA are a splinter group from the Football Lads Alliance, a British street movement of soccer fans.

Both groups claim to be against extremism in all forms, but have been associated with far-right ideology and activism of extremist groups like the English Defence League. On the Facebook page for Saturday’s march, DFLA organizers said they were protesting “returning jihadists,” “thousands of AWOL migrants,” and “rape gangs and groomers.”

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