Call-Out for Media Workers and Editorial Anarchists

Agency is looking for anarchists to volunteer their time and skill in editing, writing, tracking anarchists in the media, and providing media support to anarchist projects. We are also looking for folks to volunteer as commentary editors.

Agency is a volunteer-run anarchist PR project, launched in 2014 by a group of anarchists with experience in journalism, communications and public relations work for anarchist projects, activist movements, non-profits, and for our waged jobs. 

Our core activities involve: 

  1. Engaging with the media and public in finding and accessing a multitude of anarchist perspectives. This manifests as publishing original commentary and press releases on topical issues pertinent to anarchists, providing individual journalists with background briefings and access to relevant anarchist interviewees. We also highlight mentions of anarchists in the mainstream media, and exceptional writings on topics of interest to anarchists, through the Agency Newswire. 
  1. Engaging with anarchist projects to provide media support. This can include support drafting press releases, developing media strategies, delivering media trainings, and establishing connections with interested journalists. 

Our aim is to promote and amplify a diversity of anarchist positions and perspectives that adhere to an anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, and anti-oppression framework, working to bring them to a mass audience that seldom hears about us from the mainstream media, except in a distorted form. We acknowledge that there are many different anarchist perspectives and visions, and this project’s aim is to make the public aware of a range of anarchist ideas, in a spirit of solidarity and non-sectarianism.

By creating original, accessible materials written for a broad audience including anarchists and non-anarchists alike, and promoting anarchist perspectives on a wide range of current events, we amplify the reach of existing anarchist voices and projects.

We are looking for fellow anarchists who are interested in working with us in these roles:

  • General Project Support: We are looking for folks who would enjoy any or all of these activities: editing, writing, being available to provide feedback on writing and ideas, tracking mentions of anarchists in the media, and providing media support to anarchist projects. We do this work remotely, and connect regularly through monthly phone meetings and weekly updates from the Project Coordinator. On average, we expect everyone involved to contribute roughly 2 hours a week to Agency work. 

Aside from general project support, we are also looking for volunteer involvement with these specific roles:

  • Commentary Editor: keep track of important issues for Agency to address through Commentary articles, and help solicit and edit articles on these topics. 
  • Media Support for Anarchists: providing outreach to, and facilitating Agency working with, anarchist projects that are interested in receiving media / public relations support 
  • Anarchist Outreach to Media: build upon on our collective’s outreach efforts to individual journalists about Agency’s work clarifying and amplifying anarchist perspectives, and build on our list of movement contacts for quotes and interviews on specific issues 

If you are interested in working with us we encourage you to check out the About pages on our website, and then reach out to the Agency team at [email protected] with 1-2 paragraphs that share a bit about yourself and why you are interested in getting involved with Agency, examples of a few projects or groups you have been involved with, and any other relevant information or work examples you think might be useful for us to see.