CrimethInc.: Chile – Resisting Under Martial Law

A Report, Interview, and Call to Action

Since the revolt in Ecuador spread to Chile, the conflict has escalated rapidly. The government has called in the military and declared martial law, but people refuse to leave the streets, continuing to create an ungovernable situation. Despite the swift cancellation of the metro fair increase that first triggered the protests, their anger runs much deeper; many throughout the country are enraged by the dramatic disparities in wealth and power that capitalism has created and infuriated by the president’s decision to attempt to crush protest by means of the military—a strategy that recalls the military dictatorship of 1973-1990. Strikes and protests are taking place around the country today—in Punta Arenas, Concepción, Valparaíso, Valdivia, and Temuco as well as Santiago.

The Chilean government admits to eight deaths in the course of the unrest, seven in fires and one murdered by military gunfire during demonstrations. However, there are reports circulating of 11 deaths, and many people have been shot by police, soldiers, and right-wing vigilantes. See below for more details.

In the following text, we offer our own brief report from the streets of Chile, an interview with a Chilean anarchist from within the movement, and a call to action from other participants in the movement.

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