Daily Egyptian, “Anarchists promise ‘To Change Everything'”

Anarchism is usually characterized by violence, chaos and tear gas. However, those are misunderstandings and tactical misrepresentations of the political ideology that come from those who want the word to evoke fear, anarchist Bea Traven said.

A panel of anarchists will take the stage at 7 p.m. Wednesday in Guyon Auditorium to discuss the promise of anarchism in the twenty-first century.

The speaking tour will feature an international discussion by contemporary activists with focus on what anarchism means and why it will be useful in upcoming social struggles, panelist Vlasta Nikolic said.

In a world in which we’re facing economic crises and widespread disillusionment with governments and political parties of all stripes, anarchism offers a new way of conceptualizing what human relations could look like: something that is radically decentralized, based in personal freedom and collective relationships of mutual aid and solidarity.

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