Gothamist, “Photos: Millions March Shuts Down Brooklyn Bridge, NYPD Says They Must “Draw The Line”,” December 14, 2014

Photos: Millions March Shuts Down Brooklyn Bridge, NYPD Says They Must “Draw The Line”
Tod Seelie, Gothamist, December 14, 2014

[…] Despite the enormity of the march, which began in Washington Square, grazed Herald Square, and ended in front of NYPD Headquarters, and the fact that the demonstrators were sharing some streets with SantaCon participants, the police logged only a single arrest on the Brooklyn Bridge for disorderly conduct.

In a hastily-called, late night press conference at 1 Police Plaza, Chief of Department James O’Neill guaranteed that number would rise, telling reporters that two NYPD Legal Affairs Bureau lieutenants were beaten on the Brooklyn Bridge by a small group of protesters.

“They heard a radio transmission that they heard there was debris being thrown from the walkway at the police officers who were escorting the protesters on the roadway,” O’Neill said. “The two lieutenants observed a male attempting to throw a garbage can at the cops on the roadway. They attempted to apprehend him, and numerous protesters intervened and prevented the arrest from being made.”

O’Neill said that the police recovered a bag from their intended arrest target filled with three hammers and a black mask. NYPD Intelligence Commissioner John Miller described the bag as a sort of anarchist’s “kit.”

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