Hartford Courant, “Jerimarie Liesegang, ‘transgender revolutionary anarchist,’ lives on in tributes, street art and protections for queer people”

By Christopher Arnott, November 11, 2020

Jerimarie Liesegang, who died of cancer Nov. 3 at the age of 70, was a tireless advocate for transgender rights in Connecticut. She is being remembered online and on the streets with glowing tributes from the Hartford transgender community she helped transform.

Liesegang was active in several national LGBTQ+ organizations before deciding to concentrate on trans issues locally. In the early 1990s, she founded “It’s Time Connecticut,” a precursor of the Connecticut TransAdvocacy Coalition, which hosts an annual “Transgender Lives: The Intersection of Health and Law” conference.

She also founded the political organization Queers Without Borders in opposition to the U.S. positions in Afghanistan and Iraq.

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