The Oregonian, “Portland anti-fascists are making hand sanitizer for essential workers, homeless residents”

Popular Mobilization, or PopMob, is probably best known by Portlanders for their counter protest activities against right-wing groups. They drew headlines most recently for their 2019 milkshake party, after Portland police tweeted a claim that some of the milkshakes contained concrete – a claim PopMob disputes and which ultimately had no evidence.

Now, the collective of activists and anti-fascists has moved from making vegan milkshakes to hand sanitizer.

PopMob members, with the help of the Rosehip Medic Collective, have produced more than 9,500 bottles, or about 225 gallons, of homemade hand sanitizer to distribute to frontline workers and helpers, and homeless residents. They’ve got a small assembly line of volunteers, working six days a week at donated space in the Q Center in North Portland, mixing and bottling the product.

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