Julie Gorecki: The racial capitalist climate patriarchy

Women and Feminists for Climate Justice are taking on the Racial Capitalist Climate Patriarchy.

The Ecologist, December 10, 2021

Climate breakdown is the hot toxic breath of the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy. Women, feminists and LGBTQIA2S+ peoples across the planet have been claiming for decades that the climate crisis has patriarchal roots.

Whether they call themselves ecofeminist, climate feminists, or eco-queers, feminist climate activists are pushing for a “feminist system change not climate change,” as one of the movement’s slogans goes.

Women and Feminists for Climate Justice have become a transnational force deserving of their very own acronym — WFCJ. As global warming accelerates this movement is doubling down on activism towards a feminist climate justice across continents. And although WFCJ have gone global, they spring from resistance and action at place-based community, regional and national levels.

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