Max Rameau: 6 Points About the Freddie Gray Murder Indictment

6 Points About the Freddie Gray Murder Indictment
Max Rameau, The Hexateron, May 1, 2015

On April 12, 2015, Freddie Gray was jumped by six Baltimore cops for staring at one of them. Less than an hour later, after a ride in the paddy wagon, Freddie’s spine was 80% severed and his voicebox crushed. On May 1, 2015, District Attorney Marilyn Mosby indicted all six cops, some even charged with murder or manslaughter. 6 things you need to know:

  1. This is Important. There is no denying that an indictment of police for murdering a Black person is important. Of course, it is tragically sad that this is important, but in the current context, there is no denying it is important. With that said, we must struggle to understand precisely why this is important (hint: it is not because the system works) and not think this means the struggle is over.

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