Natasha Lennard: Anti-Fascist Practice and Impossible Non-Violence

Between spells of January drizzle, in the midst of scattered street protests, on a particularly bad afternoon in Washington D.C., Richard Spencer got punched in the face.

That morning, Donald Trump commenced his term as president with rageful, nationalistic oration. Police penned in and arrested over 200 inauguration counter-protesters. The demonstrators, participants in an “anti-fascist, anti-capitalist bloc”—in which I had also marched—would go on to face a repressive array of bogus felony charges and potential decades in prison. By the afternoon of January 20, protests were dispersed, gloating frat boys in “Make America Great Again” red hats ambled through D.C.’s dreary avenues, and Donald Trump was president.

Any silver lining that day was going to be thin. But there it was, gleaming: a sublime right hook to Richard Spencer’s face.

I didn’t see it in person, but on a YouTube clip, which has now been viewed more than three million times.

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