Natasha Lennard: I Protested Trump’s First Inauguration. But I’m Not Marching Against Him Today.

There is little point in going to Washington today to oppose Trump’s return — Trumpism never left. There are more urgent tasks now.

Source: The Intercept

This time eight years ago, I was in Washington to protest the inauguration of President Donald Trump. I had no plans to attend the vast Women’s March scheduled for the following day; this was no time, I thought, for a defanged liberal feminism, for kitschy pink accoutrements and pussy puns.

I was there to take part in J20 — January 20 — the antifascist black bloc protest. We aimed to inaugurate Trump’s presidency with disruptive antagonism in the streets. Non-specific calls to “shut it down” carried a renewed sense of urgency then, in the wake of Trump’s 2016 election victory and the threat of ascendant fascist rule.

Shut it down, we did not. The protest wrought minor property damage, primarily against bank and chain-store windows.
