Portland Tribune, “Anti-fascists, street medics make sanitizer to fight virus”

They might be wearing masks, but this is no downtown protest.

Portland antifascist organizations and local street medics have been working hand in glove to produce more than 7,000 bottles of hand sanitizer. The small cadre is distributing the supplies — for free — to groups serving the homeless and other at-risk populations.

The project, begun about three weeks ago, has sent small batches of several hundred bottles to many orgs without a budget to purchase germ-killing supplies — including Sisters of the Road, Portland People’s Outreach Project, Outside In, Meals on Wheels, Street Roots and Voz.

“People think of us as street medics. We are that. But we have also, and always have been, a community health organization,” said Ryan with the Rosehip Medic Collective. “Most of what we produce gets distributed the same day we make it.”

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