Prince George Citizen (Canada), “Tolkien was right about power, control and centralization”

When asked about his politics, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien simply responded that he was an “anarchist of the non-violent variety” and as has clearly come to be shown through his life, letters, and works, this translates to a profound belief in the principle of “subsidiarity,” or letting power reside with the nearest level possible.

This is not a new idea, and it is certainly not unique to Tolkien, although his display of it through his fictional works is a great way to get a grip on this idea. What is vital to understand however is that “subsidiarity” or “Tolkien anarchism” if I may call it that, is not a an ideology but rather a philosophy. That is, rather than dictating how proper power systems ought to be formed, it is understood these are simply consequences of right and just relations between human souls.

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