Ryan Harvey: Syriza, Greece and Glimpses of the New World

Syriza, Greece and Glimpses of the New World
Ryan Harvey, teleSUR, June 29, 2015

We talk sometimes of spaces of hope, where glimpses of “the new world” become visible through the metaphorical and sometimes physical cracks of the old one. Such spaces give breathing room to those on the front-lines of very hard and very real efforts to change the world, and open doorways for those new to such struggles to participate. Today, we look towards Greece for the next glimmer; not just to its new left-wing government but, more importantly, to its masses of politically-mobilized people who have so often presented themselves in great numbers to demand a radically different way of life. Last month, it was my hometown Baltimore that shook the world, and further emphasized the scale of the cracks in the foundation of the status quo.

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