Salon, “Massachusetts executed two Italian immigrants 90 years ago: Why the global fallout still matters” September 4, 2017
New York Daily News, “The 1920 Wall Street bombing: Authorities blamed agitators for the deadly explosion amid the first Red Scare” August 14, 2017
Washington Examiner, “Stephen Miller is right: Lazarus’ immigration poem is not US law” August 4, 2017
Salon, “A radical new approach to the immigration “problem”: Beyond left and right, Trumpism and neoliberalism” July 30, 2017
The Washington Post, “Trump’s travel ban is built on a law meant to ‘protect’ the U.S. from Jews and communists” June 22, 2017
North County Public Radio (NY), “One side fears threat from sharia law, the other side fears fascism” June 12, 2017