The New York Times, “Heathcote Williams, Radical British Poet Who Helped Form Anarchist Nation, Dies at 75” July 5, 2017
The Washington Post, “Heathcote Williams, British playwright and countercultural giant, dies at 75” July 3, 2017
The Denver Post, “This poet is riding through Denver delivering dreams to doorsteps. Nightmares cost extra.” June 30, 2017
Jezebel, “Don’t Forget Your Mary Wollstonecraft While Reading Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility” May 16, 2017
Vancouver Sun, “Canada 150: Prolific writer George Woodcock helped create Canada’s literary voice” April 4, 2017
The Stranger, “What Americans Can Learn from Badass Russian Dissident Reporter Victoria Lomasko” March 29, 2017