The Independent, “Trump signs executive order banning nebulous ‘Antifa’ members travelling to US”

In September 2020, the FBI director had said Antifa is an ideology and not a terrorist organisation 

Mayank Aggarwal, January 5, 2021

Donald Trump has signed an executive order that asks secretary of state Mike Pompeo to “assess actions of Antifa activists,” stop its members from entering the United States, and see whether it can be classified as a terrorist organisation

Antifa is an anti-fascist movement of far-left leaning militant groups who are also known for confronting white supremacists and using aggressive measures to intimidate those they deem authoritarian or racist.

The memorandum signed by the US president would ensure that “federal officials assess actions of Antifa activists in light of federal laws that restrict the entry of aliens associated with terrorist organisations and aliens intent on criminal activity,” said the White House press secretary in a statement.

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