The Intercept, “Elon Musk’s Growing Purge Of His Twitter Critics — At The Behest Of The Far Right”

The anarchist website It’s Going Down has no idea why its account was suspended. It had never tweeted about Elon Musk’s private jet.

By Akela Lacy, December 16, 2022

AMONG THE SLEW of accounts abruptly suspended from Twitter this week was the anarchist media organization It’s Going Down, an anticapitalist and antifascist collective that has covered the far right since its founding in 2015.

Several of the media accounts — including at least eight journalists from outlets including The Intercept, the New York Times, and the Washington Post — had covered the suspension of left-leaning accounts in recent weeks by Twitter’s new owner, billionaire Elon Musk. Musk claimed that the accounts had violated Twitter’s terms of service by reporting on his suspension of another account, @ElonJet, which automatically tweeted the location of Musk’s personal jet using public information.

Unlike the other suspended media accounts, It’s Going Down had not tweeted about the ElonJet saga. Instead, the outlet’s account was suspended from Twitter after it drew attention to protests against a new police training center in Atlanta called “Cop City” — though the reason for It’s Going Down’s suspension remains unclear.

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  • Lilias Adie

    Lilias Adie is the Project Coordinator for Agency. She works professionally in the fields of communications. Over the last two decades she has been involved in direct action organizing, as well as communications and outreach work for a variety of environmental and wildlife conservation non-profits. Additionally, she has supported a range of grassroots projects, including ancient forest defense campaigns, political prisoner support projects, radical community centers, and DIY publications.

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