The Link, “Weekend-long event to promote values of anarchism”

Rafales anarchist camp invites Montreal residents to participate in anti-colonial activities

By Hannah Scott-Talib 

A three-day anarchist learning camp is set to take place at the Comité social Centre-Sud in Montreal from March 28 to March 30.

The weekend-long event—titled Rafales—will host various guest speakers, authors, workshops and panels in the spirit of anarchism, struggles against domination, collective autonomy, and revolutionary and anti-authoritarian issues.

“There is a lack of theory and knowledge about movements and anarchist struggles,” Rafales volunteer Tom Desroches said when asked why the camp was created. 

According to Desroches, this will be Rafales’s first year in operation. It started as an idea around one year ago in association with L’Organisation révolutionnaire anarchiste (ORA) in Montreal. He added that, while ORA is in part responsible for the inspiration behind Rafales, the camp itself will be organized and run by a group of autonomous volunteers.