Chris Crass: The Time of “Never Again” is Now

By Chris Crass (February 2, 2017)

If what happened at UC Berkeley makes you uncomfortable, I invite you to be in that discomfort for a while.

If what happened at UC Berkeley gets you more riled up than the right wing Trump supporting Alt-Right Nazi terrorist in Quebec City who opened fire on a Mosque and killed six people, just a few days ago, I invite you to ask why that is.

We are living in a time when Steven Bannon, a white nationalist (read white supremacist), is one of the most powerful people on the planet, and is unleashing the full power of the Federal government to unleash a racist anti-working class agenda on the planet. And is doing so while he and Trump give a green light to vigilante right wing violence that hurts and kills people and terrorizes our communities.

It’s crucial to remember that no one looks back at Germany during the rise of the Nazis and says, “well at least they respected the Nazi’s freedom of speech”. They say, “Never Again”.

Again, is here.

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