Unicorn Riot, “Anarchists Gather for Conference at the Corner of the World”

By Ryan Fatica, March 22, 2024

Tijuana, Mexico — Where the United States, the Pacific Ocean, and Mexico meet, a place sometimes referred to as “the corner of the world,” a sprawling 18-foot-tall barrier stretches out into the salt water, marking the international border. Waves crash against its concrete foundations and, at high tide, against the bollards themselves that stretch out more than 100 feet into the ocean.

Here, on the evening of January 25, a group of about 50 anarchists from around the world gathered and, in a symbolic act of disrespect and disobedience, projected films upon the wall itself.

“It was really powerful to show anarchist films and documentaries there,” said Dandy, one of the organizers of the event. “Just taking the space, you know? This space where they’re, even in this moment, building an even taller wall.”

Those in attendance had gathered from all parts of the U.S., Mexico, and some even as far as Spain and Chile, to convene in this most divided of territories for an anarchist conference called the International Gathering of Anarchist and Autonomous Practices Against Borders.


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