Vice, “Bristol’s Anarchists Are Being Caught Up in a Police Crack Down,” January 13, 2015

Bristol’s Anarchists Are Being Caught Up in a Police Crack Down
Phillip Kleinfeld, Vice,  January 13, 2015

Since 2011, the Informal Anarchist Federation (IAF) – a local division of a much wider, global insurrectionary anarchist group: the Federazione Anarchia Informale – has been carrying out scores of attacks on private property across Bristol. Now the cops are out to get them and Bristol’s wider activist community is being caught up in the search.

Signalling cables of National Rail lines have been burnt down in order to “paralyze” the local economy. Vehicles at a UK Border Agency crime team building have been torched. And a minibus belonging to local cadets has been set on fire as a protest against NATO. Together with two other insurrectionary groups – the Earth Liberation Front and the Angry Foxes Cell – over 60 different attacks have been carried out since the Bristol riots.

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