Vice, “Protesters and VICE Journalists Were Injured by Greek Cops on Monday Night,” November 19, 2014

Protesters and VICE Journalists Were Injured by Greek Cops on Monday Night
Vania Turner, Vice, November 19, 2014

“Alexia Tsagkari, who was filming the demonstration for VICE News, was attacked by riot police in downtown Athens outside the Hilton building after clashes broke out between the anarchist bloc and the officers. A policeman hit Tsagkari on the head with a baton before dragging her by her hair while a second officer kicked her to the ground.

Things in Athens escalated quickly and reports of police violence poured in. Diniakos reported that “Gangs of riot police soared through the narrow streets of Exarcheia on their bikes, batons in their fists, terrorizing local residents and protesters.” Policemen ​allegedly raided a kiosk in Exarcheia Square, injuring two people who worked there.”

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