Yahoo!, “Graham tells abortion protesters to stop ‘trying to burn down America’: ‘Constitutional anarchists'”

By Emma Colton, June 27, 2022

Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham called on “constitutional anarchists” to stop “trying to burn down America” following the U.S. Supreme Court voting to overturn Roe v. Wade.

“So these constitutional anarchists, here’s my advice to you: Quit trying to burn down America and work like we did, in the fields, elect people who agree with you at the ballot box,” Graham said on “Fox News Sunday.”

“When Roe came out, we didn’t burn down the Capitol as conservatives. We didn’t go to liberal justices’ homes and try to intimidate them. The radical left are constitutional anarchists, they’re literally trying to change this country from top to bottom,” Graham added in his comments. “They want to pack the court because they don’t like this decision. They want to abolish the electoral college so California and New York can pick the president in perpetuity.”

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  • Lilias Adie

    Lilias Adie is the Project Coordinator for Agency. She works professionally in the fields of communications. Over the last two decades she has been involved in direct action organizing, as well as communications and outreach work for a variety of environmental and wildlife conservation non-profits. Additionally, she has supported a range of grassroots projects, including ancient forest defense campaigns, political prisoner support projects, radical community centers, and DIY publications.

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