Yannick Giovanni Marshall: The racists’ peace

To praise the peacefulness of a protest is to assert the right of those resisted to determine the ethics of resistance.

June 7, 2020

In their peacetime, Black people are killed with impunity. In the time they are anxious to go back to – the time which helicopters and riot police andarmies are sent to bring back by force – Black people are killed with impunity. In their regular order, Black people are killed with impunity. In their time of laughing loudly in cafes, Black people are killed with impunity.

In the times when videos of Black people being killed fall out of the news cycle, Black people are killed with impunity. In the time when this president is in power, Black people are killed with impunity. In the time when this president is not in power, Black people are killed with impunity. In their “counter-looting“, Black people are killed with impunity. In their prisons, their hospitals, their streets, their police stations, Black people are killed with impunity.

In their riots, Black people are killed with impunity.

Their peace, their regular order is a place where Black people are killed with impunity.

I do not wish them peace.

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